There are numerous HUD home opportunities in the Northern Virginia and south region for those looking to purchase properties. Whether you are a first time home buyer, new to the area, someone ready to stop renting, or an investor, there has been an influx of HUD properties in the area […]
Yearly Archives: 2017
Do I buy or rent? OR live on base? Decisions, decisions. We all have different needs, so here is a great resource to help you with your decision making process. The National Association of Realtors have this nifty tool to help you make some calculations. Check it out! RENTING VS […]
It is PCS season again for the military. Everyone is scrambling to get orders as soon as possible so they can get their name on “the list” for on base housing…you know the list where there is a 6 month wait but somehow miraculously your name gets drawn three weeks […]
All HUD properties are available to be purchased from You must have a licensed real estate agent to view the property. In order to make a bid on a property, your real estate agent’s broker must have an NAID number. Once on the hudhomestore site, you will notice that […]