Any type of discrimination with housing is absolutely ILLEGAL. If you suspect you are being discriminated against or are witnessing discrimination against another, we believe it is your duty to report it so it doesn’t happen to you or someone else again. The question is, what are the steps to […]
The process of buying a home can be intimidating to those people who have little experience at purchasing real estate. There are numerous questions that one faces when it comes to buying a home. So why are we posting on here that there are benefits to buying HUD? We will […]
Can investors purchase a HUD property? Yes, but you must wait until the Exclusive listing period is over, since no investors can place bids during that time. Once the Exclusive listing period ends, the Extended listing period begins, then investors can bid on the home (as can owner-occupants, nonprofits, and […]
Get a real estate agent. A licensed real estate agent can help you navigate through the process of visiting and purchasing a HUD Home. The agent’s broker must have an NAID! NAID registration for a real estate broker permits an agent of the broker to make a bid on a […]
Whether you are a first time homebuyer or a seasoned vet in the world of real estate, everyone who delves into the murky waters of buying or selling a home should start the process with doing a little research. Laws change. Markets change. New programs are added. Old programs expire. […]
Below is directly from the HUD Homestore website and will answer some of the more common questions we get regarding purchasing HUD Homes. Call us with any questions or set up an individual appointment to receive a presentation on purchasing HUD Homes. 540-628-2226. To search for all the HUD properties […]
Effectively immediately: Properties over $250,000.00 will require $2000 EMD. Call if there are any questions or issues. Buyer’s agent will receive only ONE e-email instead of two in order to initiate the e-signature process. This will streamline the process towards getting a ratified contract. Interested in learning the process for […]
The absolute BEST resource to get you started is on The site to get you started can be found at this link. Start here, talk to friends, use a Real Estate Agent…but EDUCATE yourself first! Reconcile what you want with what you can afford! Find a good Lender! Most […]
During 2017, the process of purchasing HUD properties has undergone several changes for the better. It is now easier and more efficient than ever to buy HUD properties. Some of these properties are in good condition, some in poor condition but what you see is what you get! There are […]
Pasted directly from FAQ. To find answers to any question regarding the purchase of HUD Homes, go directly to the page here! HUD has identified five buyer types that are eligible to purchase HUD-owned homes. Certain conditions must be met to determine the eligibility of a buyer to […]